마지막, The Last.
When the last note left the piano,
Silence didn't stay for long
As a collective applause resounded the hall.
It felt empty though,
The end of the journey you love,
You receive bouquet of flowers,
But it still feels empty.
A part of you feel like going back the start of the very first note,
A part of you just cannot comprehend The Last note has been played.
You shifted to face the audience.
An empty hall it was.
That's right,
It was not the last, because it was not the final performance...
You stared at the emptiness of the hall, just like your heart.
Will it be filled with audience who can love this song as much as you did, just as much as your heart is filled?
You heaved a sigh and kept your scores.
Applause was heard.
For real, this time.
You followed the echo-y sounds.
It was him.
"Well Done," he called out.
I guess a hall filled with audiences who understands the music you played doesn't beat having someone who is always there when you need them right?
audiences, they just come and go, like approaching and leaving waves.
He is different, perhaps not every seashell thrown into the sea will follow the currents. They may stay at the same spot until you're back to pick it up.
That's right, no one else need to understand at all, as long as he does.