Wednesday, September 4, 2013 | 7:03 PM | 0 comments
The dark clouds rolled in, masking the brightness of the sun.The skies no longer showed hint of any light, what's left was fear and silence.
In such moments, who would dare to defy the darkness and seek for the light against all odds.
Who, wouldn't be a coward?
I am going crazy.
I swear, actually all that's happening to me now can be easily explained,
just easier to say I'm tired, or push the blame to something else
Three weeks since I've started reading fanfics.
Last time I read was probably about four to five years ago.
Once again for the same reason I'm reading.
School's out, and yesterday and today spent time reading fanfics.
Two actually, each about 100+ chapters.
I admit, I am a coward.
Behind my mask of confidence lies insecurities.
Actually, .. I don't even know what I should do?
Is like I'm afraid I'll hurt you?
Thinking wears me out, but I'm not dealing with math now... I'm dealing with a whole lot more.
I can't help feeling guilty, all this would not have happened if I had just ignored from the start.
My natural instincts had to get the better of me -.-
How many times have I prayed to God to forgive me and bless you with lesser pain?
Its really better if I never existed.
One day, I will let you know the reasons behind.
But right now I'm a coward.
I am just deciding if I should face it.
Trust me, all these are just guilt, barely feelings but the sense of being a sinner.
Forget me, please, just hate me all you want..
I rather this then to remind you of pain.
I don't really care much now, right now I just wanna get the hell out of this life and live my dreams.
Or maybe just get the hell out of here.