Monday, September 30, 2013 | 3:23 AM | 0 comments
The landscape was coated with orange golden little leaves.
These little leaves pelted away from the feeble branches as if they were finally free.
These little leaves pelted away from the feeble branches as if they were finally free.
The wind blew, that shook the tree as if it was heaving a sigh of relief.
The wind also stirred the fallen leaves into a twirl, starting a mini tornado on the grass patch.
The wind also stirred the fallen leaves into a twirl, starting a mini tornado on the grass patch.
It was as if every leaf was aspiring to twirl up to the greatest height to take the title as the champion.
The wind, also brought the smell of autumn to you.
Amongst the occasional chills you gained from the wind, the sight of the auburn brought you warmth that tickled every bone in your body.
In one hand you held your favourite warm drink, with another, you were strumming your fingers with the sound of nature.
Sometimes you wonder if there were little fairies hidden amongst the leaves, controlling every fall and turn of the leaves.
The change of colour from bright green to red- brown.
The falling of every leaf, which leaves fall first... do they make the decision.
These thoughts are like little clouds pinned onto your mind,
It comes and go, just as how the wind would blow them from time to time.
In the midst of bustling actions done by Mother Nature,
Do they ever stop and ponder the purpose for their existence?
Why do they go through the Four Seasons, only to be shed yet again?
Just like humans, do we have dreams only to be crushed by someone?
What is the purpose for our existence?
To achieve our dreams?
Or to realise the destiny laid for us?
To put it much simply, why do go through every path, only to be hurt?
When the path started, you trusted everyone.
Only to regret at the end of the path, and learnt to not trust everyone.
Is this a cycle just like how the autumn leaves go through?
Just as these thoughts pondered in your minds made little footprints..
A shuffling of feet that burst the pile autumn leaves was heard.
You witness the neatly-piled of leaves being burst, as once again leaves compete to see who reach the highest, while others are much better off floating to a quieter area.
The grass patch is littered with the autumn leaves.
That person sat next to you on a wooden bench.
With a short glance, that person held the same cup as you.
The wind gushed and smell of freshly brewed coffee beans rushed into your nostrils exciting every nerve of yours that desires that caffeinated drink.
Along with that, the wind caused more leaves to float down to the grass patch yet again.
You could swear, you thought you saw little pixies gliding on those leaves competing with each other.
"Ahem.. "
A husky voice broke your thought.
It was a man beside you.
You were soon distracted by the awe of the auburn beauty.
"Hi.. "
You followed the voice and it led to a fine young man with his hand put out to greet you.
You fluttered your eyelashes as if it was a dream.
" Well... Hello. "
Along with fascination for the breathtaking autumn scenery, your mind had rushed thoughts.
Is he going to make friends with me?
"It's a fine weather today, ain't it? "
You nodded in approval.
You took a breath of pleasure as you filled your lungs with the autumn air again.
" I love autumn."
He hummed, " Me too. "
As if the nature was starting an orchestra piece,
You witness the wind, like the conductor of an orchestra, set the leaves to dance.
As the trees shook along, as if tapping to beat of the wind.
While the clouds floated across slowly, leaving in reluctance as they desire to hear more.
" I haven't seen you around, "
You tried to start a conversation.
"I just moved in"
The wind stop. Perhaps, silence to welcome a new friendship.
A new cycle is starting.
A cycle of friendship in autumn.